“Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them.” (Romans 12:6) 1. Senior Priest
Serve as the spiritual guide for the capital campaign taking care to make best use of the capital campaign for community spiritual development and as a pastoral opportunity to involve active and inactive members in the mission of the parish
Work closely with the consultant and the chairperson of the campaign in the quest for major gifts • Help to ensure that appropriate confidentiality is maintained in meetings with major donor prospects and in committee meeting discussions
Commit to mutually agreed upon dates for cultivation events and solicitations
Diligently prepare for the days with the consultant by clearing his schedule and taking due care to secure appointments in a timely manner prior to the visitation
Serve as co-spokesperson for the campaign in concert with the campaign chairperson
Assist, as necessary, with the recruitment of the capital campaign committee
Lend credibility, direction, and inspiration to the campaign
Help sustain campaign momentum
Co-strategize with the consultant(s) and the chairperson on the best strategy and tactics for the success of the campaign
Put out fires and mend fences
2. Capital Campaign Chairperson (Note: if there are two co-chairs, then one should be the executive chair and one should be the operational chair; there may also be an honorary chair.)
Act as the chief executive officer of the campaign
Chair the capital campaign committee meetings and oversee the various tasks of the committee making sure that tasks are completed on time
Together with the priest serve as the primary contact with the consultant
Make a pace-setting pledge, commensurate with his or her ability to give and in relation to the standards necessary for success as described in the campaign gift chart. Ideally, the chair will make one of the top three gifts, if not the top leadership gift.
Formulate and approve, in concert with the committee, the campaign plan, policies, and procedures
Serve as spokesperson for the campaign
Make a limited number of personal solicitations
Help recruit team members of the capital campaign committee
Help maintain oversight of the solicitation process
Lend credibility, direction, and inspiration to the campaign
Help sustain campaign momentum
Together with the priest and the Campaign Committee, approve campaign plan, policies, and procedures
3. Parish Council Chairperson
Embrace and endorse the purpose of the campaign
Understand and accept the necessary methodology of a professional capital campaign to ensure the best possibility for success
Pledge his or her own sacrificial gift to the capital campaign commensurate with his or her personal means and the standards necessary for success
Advocate for the campaign and exhort the necessary involvement of parish council members, as appropriate – especially as regards their own sacrificial gift
Be prepared, if called upon, to assist with a limited number of solicitations
Together with the consultant(s) campaign chairperson and the senior parish priest ensure that the campaign remains on track
Put out fires and mend fences
4. The Campaign Consultant Consistent with the tasks described in the contract, the consultant accepts responsibility for the following:
Gives shape to the fundraising effort
Forces deadlines and timetables
Asserts proper priorities
Reviews campaign documentation and materials
Trains the fundraising team
Assists in the quest for leadership and major gifts
Works with staff to ensure accurate recording of information, timely mailing of statements, thank you letters, pledge tracking, etc.
Together with campaign chairperson, the senior parish priest and the parish council chairperson ensures that the campaign remains on track
The consultant coaches, problem-solves and strategizes; the parish must lead
5. The Capital Campaign Committee Member
Embraces and endorses the purpose of the campaign
Pledges their own sacrificial gifts to the capital campaign commensurate with their personal means and the standards necessary, before asking others to do so
Faithfully attends committee meetings
Accepts responsibility for completing assignments on schedule
Commits to seeing the vision fulfilled through prayerful, thoughtful, and diligent work
Takes the initiative to speak with other parishioners, and when appropriate, asks for their gift to the capital campaign. In general, this will be done as follows:
All prospective major gifts will be requested personally in face-to-face discussions. In general, a team approach will be used, with two committee members calling on a parishioner (or a couple). Each parishioner must be given an idea as to the level of gift requested, and therefore they will be asked for a specific level gift.
Team members accept the responsibility of requesting gifts only when they feel the suggested asking figure is reasonable, and when they are the best qualified individual to make the request. After requesting a gift, team members will ensure that correct and complete information on the parishioner’s pledge is communicated back to the parish for record keeping and a pledge confirmation letter.
6. Communications Chair of the Committee
Faithfully attend meetings
Report to the parish community in a regular and timely basis the progress of the fundraising effort
Report to the parish community in a regular and timely basis the progress of the building or renovation project
As necessary, prepare press releases for the local, regional and national press on newsworthy events, e.g., a $1 million contribution, groundbreaking event, consecration or blessing of the facilities
Accept primary responsibility for the production of the campaign brochure and campaign stationary
Serve as co-spokesperson for the campaign as directed by the Campaign Chairperson
7. Administrative Support Staff to Capital Campaign
Serve as administrative assistant to the priest and campaign chair(s)
Assist with coordinating appointments (priest must call and ask for the appointment)
Maintain files on all materials distributed at campaign meetings; ensures that non-attendees receive copies of minutes and meeting handout
Emails reminder notifications to all campaign committee members for upcoming events and meetings
Attend capital campaign meetings and conference calls; takes minutes; mails draft of minutes to priest, chair(s) and consultant before distribution to full committee
Provide agenda prior to campaign meetings, receiving input from priest, chair(s) and consultant
Support work of communications chairperson of the campaign in placing announcements in parish publications, organizing local information sessions that may be held in parishioner homes and mailing campaign newsletter
Ensure quarterly mailing of capital campaign statements
Ensure that those who give, pledge or decline to give receive proper acknowledgment
Provide written report to campaign committee of those who have not honored their pledge or are behind in their payments by December 1 each year and those who did not honor by end of the year by January 31
Organizes conference call
Effectively fulfill reasonable requests from campaign volunteers for assistance