Our Impact
Orthodox Ministry Services (OMS) offers critically needed ministry support services to Orthodox parishes, archdioceses, metropolises, and dioceses to amplify productivity and optimize efficiency. It offers organizational support services to Orthodox nonprofit organizations established to do the fundamental ministry work of the Church. We help establish succession plans and a qualified bench of potential employees. On the parish and diocesan levels, services include professional training, both strategic and operational In addition, Board, staff, and volunteers currently working at Orthodox institutions are supplied training to perform at the highest level, including:
Governance and Strategic Planning
Financial Administration
Development and Fundraising
Programs and Operations
Human Capital
Impact Evaluation and Learning
Below are some of the organizations, institutions, programs, and ministries with whom we have collaborated and partnered, to bring resources, talent, and expertise to situational challenges. OMS is committed to energizing and maximizing the impact of Church ministries throughout America, and welcomes new partners with open arms.
A prime example of the OMS network of partners is Bill Marianes and Stewardship Calling which provides strategic planning across jurisdictions to assist hierarchical governance, parishes and ministry organizations.